

ourandream大约 4 分钟front-end

gsap是一个强大的几乎可以用于任何框架, 可以操作任何对象的动画框架.

base tweens

gsap中, 一个简单的动画被称为tween. 基本的tween如下:

gsap.to() : 动画从当前状态到给定的值.

gsap.from() - 从给定的值到当前状态

gsap.fromTo()  : 动画的开始结束状态都自己设置

gsap.set() : 马上设置属性, 看不到动画过程.


gsap.to(".circle", { x: 40, fill: "blue" });

Animatable properties

几乎是所有属性都可以进行动画, 主要的类别如下.

CSS properties

Transform shorthand

x: 100transform: translateX(100px)Move horizontally (px or SVG units)
y: 100transform: translateY(100px)Move vertically (px or SVG units)
xPercent: -50transform: translateX(-50%)Move horizontally (percentage of element's width)
yPercent: -50transform: translateY(-50%)Move vertically (percentage of element's height)
rotation: 360transform: rotate(360deg)Rotate (degrees)
scale: 2transform: scale(2, 2)Increase or decrease size
transformOrigin: "0% 100%"transform-origin: 0% 100%;The center of translation, this will rotate around the bottom left.

它默认使用 px 和角度为单位, 我们也可以使用其他方式:

x: 200, // use default of px
x: "+=200" // relative values
x: '40vw', // or pass in a string with a different unit for GSAP to parse
x: () => window.innerWidth / 2, // you can even use functional values to do a calculation!

rotation: 360 // use default of degrees
rotation: "1.25rad" // use radians

其的 css 属性没有 shorthand 但仍可以使用, 但要注意要有-要转化为小驼峰.

数字, 颜色, 或包含数字的字符串


let obj = { myNum: 10, myColor: "red" };
gsap.to(obj, {
  myNum: 200,
  myColor: "blue",
  onUpdate: () => console.log(obj.myNum, obj.myColor),


Special Properties

tween的第二个参数, 除了能设置要动画的属性外, 还有一些特殊的属性可以设置:

delay多久后开始(repeatDelay 每次重复的 delay)

ease有很多具体的选项(甚至可以自定义), 具体需要上官网(Getting Started with GSAP - Learning Center - GreenSockopen in new window))查看.


timeline用于让我们灵活地控制动画的播放实际, 例如:

// create a timeline
let tl = gsap.timeline();

// add the tweens to the timeline - Note we're using tl.to not gsap.to
tl.to(".green", { x: 600, duration: 2 });
tl.to(".purple", { x: 600, duration: 1 });
tl.to(".orange", { x: 600, duration: 1 });


timeline还可以使用position parameteropen in new window(第三个参数)来控制, 它有如下类型:

  • Absolute time (in seconds) - 从 timeline 起始计算的绝对时间

  • Label - 某个标签指定的时间位置(可通过.add()添加)

  • "<"  - 上一个动画的开始

  • ">" - 上一个动画的结束

  • 以  "+="  和  "-="  的存在表示的relative values.  注意"<"  或  ">"后接数字也会视为相对值. 例子:

    • "+=1" - 1 second past the end of the timeline (creates a gap)
    • "-=1" - 1 second before the end of the timeline (overlaps)
    • "myLabel+=2" - 2 seconds past the label "myLabel"
    • "<+=3" - 3 seconds past the start of the previous animation
    • "<3" - same as "<+=3" (see above) ("+=" is implied when following "<" or ">")
    • ">-0.5" - 0.5 seconds before the end of the previous animation. It's like saying "the end of the previous animation plus -0.5"
  • A complex string based on a percentage. When immediately following a "+=" or "-=" prefix, the percentage is based on total durationopen in new window of the animation being inserted. When immediately following "&lt" or ">", it's based on the total durationopen in new window of the previous animationNote: total duration includes repeats/yoyos. Examples:

    • "-=25%" - overlap with the end of the timeline by 25% of the inserting animation's total duration
    • "+=50%" - beyond the end of the timeline by 50% of the inserting animation's total duration, creating a gap
    • "<25%" - 25% into the previous animation (from its start). Same as ">-75%" which is negative 75% from the end of the previous animation.
    • "<+=25%" - 25% of the inserting animation's total duration past the start of the previous animation. Different than "<25%" whose percentage is based on the previous animation's total duration whereas anything immediately following "+=" or "-=" is based on the inserting animation's total duration.
    • "myLabel+=30%" - 30% of the inserting animation's total duration past the label "myLabel".

timeline可以设置默认值, 这样设置tween时那些值默认会是默认值:

var tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } });

//no more repetition of duration: 1!
tl.to(".green", { x: 200 })
  .to(".purple", { x: 200, scale: 0.2 })
  .to(".orange", { x: 200, scale: 2, y: 20 });



// store the tween or timeline in a variable
let tween = gsap.to("#logo", { duration: 1, x: 100 });


//resume (honors direction - reversed or not)

//reverse (always goes back towards the beginning)

//jump to exactly 0.5 seconds into the tween

//jump to exacty 1/4th into the tween's progress:

//make the tween go half-speed

//make the tween go double-speed

//immediately kill the tween and make it eligible for garbage collection



  • onComplete: 动画完成时
  • onStart: 动画开始时
  • onUpdate: 每次动画更新时(每帧)
  • onRepeat: 每次动画重复时
  • onReverseComplete: 反向动画完成时


gsap.to(".class", {
  duration: 1,
  x: 100,
  // arrow functions are handy for concise callbacks
  onComplete: () => console.log("the tween is complete")

// If your function doesn't fit neatly on one line, no worries.
// you can write a regular function and reference it
gsap.timeline({onComplete: tlComplete}); // <- no () after the reference!

function tlComplete() {
  console.log("the tl is complete");
  // more code


gsap有丰富的插件生态, 可以拓展出很多功能.